Excellent, very plausible post

Thought provoking indeed...

Thank you

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Thank you, a superb written piece and certainly plausible. We are seeing similar actions now being played out in the US and without doubt changes in the UK are supporting a future that would see democracy die. If the UK fails to act now then the future you describe can and will happen.

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Excellent post - exactly the type of pre-mortem, long-term thinking we desperately need more of. Thank you, and well done!

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I can only echo the previous comments in that it’s excellently written & perfectly plausible. Slightly worrying that media outlets weren’t interested. How about LBC radio in the UK?

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Nicely done. I wonder about the starting point, 'evidence-based policy-making giving way...'. Evidence-based policy-making is the exception rather than the rule in Whitehall, strong in some domains (cancer screening, vaccination policy, etc.), practically non-existent in many others (sentencing and penal policy, for example).

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This is only one symptom of the many micro-anti-entropies of human existence giving way to the universal progression towards equilibrium into nothingness.

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It is worth noting that a substantial parliamentary majority has just been obtained by a party that received 33.7% of the vote, and under first past the post there is every chance that a similarly large majority could be won by a party with even fewer votes, if they are unevenly distributed across constituencies. The scenario described in this piece is certainly possible.

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Christina - this is brilliant. Echoes of Orwell's "1984"! We are sleep-walking towards a scenario like this, and like what is happening in the USA. If only there was a credible political party to stand up to all of this!

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Given the way that PHE/UKHSA staunchly defended wrong political views during the Covid pandemic - particularly around airborne transmission and masks, and around children and schools - we are already there.

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Chilling but plausible.

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This is indeed chillingly realistic, and I think I'm judging it from an especially privileged vantage point, because I grew up, graduated, and worked in two universities in apartheid South Africa, which was an authoritarian police state run according to radical right-wing policies in addition to being a racist state. A lot os what Christina has imagined existed there.

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This would be one of the final nails in Homo sapiens coffin. Thanks for writing it. I wonder if, as a species, we have no more collective wisdom than bread mould!

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It’s so credible, l almost hope Farage & co. don’t see it ….

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This is horribly beievable. You should be distributing this far further than a substack Christina - people need to have their eyes opened to just what could so easily happen.

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I tried sending it to some newspapers and current affairs and science magazines but they weren't interested...

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That's disturbing - echoes of what you are writing about.

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Try Novara, or Bellingcat?

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This is totally believable. 2016 Brexit was a rehearsal for Trump v1. And given that Vance is the likely 2028 Potus, this is all too credible. Badenoch is half way there already.

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