This is an excellent update of Professor Pagel's graphic, which I posted earlier today on BlueSky. Although in the geopolitical/economic goals, I would include squeezing Ukraine for mineral resources; threatening Canada with annexation through economic coercion for same; and threatening to take over Greenland (ditto). The new geopolitical alignment with Russia is likely aiming at the same (especially given Russia's role in the Arctic).

Particularly with regard to the last two (Canada and Greenland), Trump is playing the authoritarian deck, used by both Hitler and Putin, of using territorial expansion to hide real-world decline of global influence and create an illusion of "greatness", in full view of domestic governance failures.

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hi - this isn't an update of the earlier diagram but a new one concentrating explicitly on actions against science and universities - so on e.g. Ukraine, that is not about science and so not included here

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Another excellent piece, thank you. It’s a real shock how quickly the Trump regime has taken the US down the road of authoritarianism, even faster than Hitler! Project 2025 is well under way and those who think it’s all bluster do so at their peril. I hope Americans realise they can’t give in to this, many politicians seem to be MIA and many too frightened to stand their ground! I’m surprised Democrats seem so quiet apart from the likes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren! It’s going to take a concerted effort by everyone. Scientists and academics are at risk of being silenced and their important work totally obstructed, I hope they get the support they need. Time for everyone to stand up!

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Great work Christina.

We are entering the age of Endarkenment.

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Thank you Christina Patel. This is crucial work, not least because you have made it accessible to laypeople, like me. As a Canadian, hoping that we can offer refuge here in the north for disaffected American researchers and academics. Hoping even more though, that you can find a way to reverse this disaster and we can all get back to the collaboration between our nations that was fruitful for so much scientific discovery.

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Excellent; thanks a lot!

In case you speak German: https://kairos.ghost.io/die-flammenschrift-im-oval-office/

LIBERTY? War on science and academic freedom

EQUALITY? Nepotism, corruption, authoritarianism, oligarchy, mafia state

FRATERNITY? Libertarian fascism unleashed.

The *diametrical* opposite of what is attempting to emerge in society.

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Loving your work Christina.

All this on top of the unfathomable accommodating of Russia over Ukraine.

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This is a logical component of the pivot to authoritarianism. Alliances based on shared values will be discarded in favor of a bloc of authoritarian regimes.

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All US universities have boards of trustees, or the like. They meet regularly and (most) have public comment periods.

GO and make a statement.

Students and community members, GO to these meetings and stand up for independent education and research. Demand that boards show courage. Let them know you are watching and supporting.

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See here for an example of my comments to Michigan Tech Board of Trustees a few weeks ago: https://open.substack.com/pub/sarahagreen1/p/statements-to-local-elected-bodies?r=7jhrp&utm_medium=ios

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