Brilliant. As a woman doctor now retired I agree with everything you write. Women are still being dismissed even when they know perfectly well what their problems are. No wonder they don't seek help when GPs largely dismiss women 'of a certain age' aren't worth listening to.

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Thank you so much for writing this.

Thank you for writing this. I moved to the US not long after a unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, which I had because neither I nor my doctor were confident that my ovary wouldn't keep producing massive cysts (grapefruit sized) and I didn't want my first experience of the US health system to be arranging a major surgery. My periods were extremely painful for a long time after surgery, and my UK doctor prescribed strong painkillers, cocodamol if I remember rightly, which really helped.

But my US doctor nearly refused, because it has codeine in it. He would have refused completely, had I not taken my UK prescription and my Do Not Fuck With Me attitude. As it was, he only give me the one prescription and wouldn't renew it afterwards. I ended up stocking up on Neurofen Plus every time I was back in the UK instead.

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In my final exams at University I was unable to sit through one of the exams as I was in so much pain and had total brain fog. This resulted in me gaining a lower degree than I was expected to obtain.

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