Can't believe we are going to bin £229m of vaccine! Yet another scandal gets brushed under the carpet. Excellent article, as ever, Christina. You are one of the very few people still providing quality information on this major issue. Keep it up.

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Thank you Christina. I absolutely agree with the lack of transparency around the modelling. And I've been trying to find this for the new shingles vaccination which bizarrely makes people weight of further five years because they had turned 65 before September b4 2023 and have to wait another 5 years. It's £400 for both shots. I simply can't understand the logic full vaccinating younger people before older

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I may be interpreting this statement wrong but it feels out of kilter with, what I thought was, the consensus "rates of new Long Covid on infection are lower now that most people have had at least one previous infection".

I thought the consensus was that you were 10%-20% likely to get LC at each infection & therefore over multiple infections you were very likely to end up with LC. I think that new research behind Professor Pagels summary is not saying this but instead saying, from a LC perspective, risks reduce over multiple Infections?

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LC is not a Russian Roulette model where everyone's chance is the same with every new infection.

ONS infection survey data is pretty clear that the risk is lower on reinfection (and other studies support this - and that LC tends to resolve quicker if developed on a reinfection). But the risk is still not zero.

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Thank you Professor Pagel I rely so much on your reports. My children and three of my grandchildren have not received a vaccine for well over 18 months and my youngest grandson has never been vaccinated. I have a fifth grandchild due at the end of April. I find it astonishing that the JCVI have highlighted the cost benefit does not support the use of non cancellable vaccines. They would rather throw them away than put them in arms for the health of the public! We pay for them yet have no power to insist they are used for our benefit. I started saving many months ago to support my family so that they can afford to be vaccinated but even that is not sufficient as both of my grandsons will not be eligible; one will have to wait a number of months while the other over nine years as it stands. The latest addition will have many more years to wait. It is disgraceful but even more so that inequality continues and widens for so many who will never be able to afford to protect themselves. The Covid Inquiry has highlighted this significant inequality yet seemingly the Government and JCVI have no regard to this. Some will benefit hugely from the sale of these vaccines so that’s okay then??!! A healthy society is a productive society which contributes massively to support a growing economy! Clearly not at the forefront of leaders’ thinking or planning. I truly believed that any Government would put the health of children at the forefront but this has never been the case with this Government. We only have to look at the state of schools, children’s mental and physical health, the ability of families to support their children and the ability of services to do the jobs they were designed for. I truly despair!!

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Thank you so much for this. I really fail to understand the JCVI attitude to Long COVID... I have just read the terms of reference of the JCVI and I can see no reason for them to completely ignore Long COVID and it's health costs to individuals and economic costs to society. I wish they could be openly questioned on this.

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Succinct and clear. Thank you. I wish BBC News website would ask you to write summaries like this. It would be so useful

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Thanks Christina, again, and Bob. I read recenly that unofficially an official said the reason for not using the vaccines was because of the cost of doing the vaccinations. I wonder what 'the model says about' additional costs, including stress costs within the NHS? I presume the high street sellers have happily done the cost projections for their own work. My risk assessment for our family taking into account potential vulnerabilities would have us further vaccinated across an age range, even with uncertainties involved. Stay out of hospital if one possibly can!

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Outrageous bungling of the vaccine policy

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It seems like an obscure excuse to say the guy who wrote the python script has left. Surely if this is the case then they would hire someone else to help assist them with their hrmm data-driven decision making? 🤦

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